...gee, let me think about that.

I ended up "borrowing" the models from the Street Fighter IV benchmark tool. It was super easy and as you can see, the models it extracted are picture perfect from the game... or so I thought...
When I first extracted the files, they actually looked like this...

Which looked totally fine... until I rotated the scene...

Whoa! Ryu and Sakura are looking pretty anorexic there! It seems the SF4 models are a little lacking in the z-axis, which is perfectly sensible since you rarely ever see them from anything but the side. So I had to chunk them up a little.
After figuring out how to expand the FOV a little in the conversion, I started getting some really workable (and frankly fantastic looking) extractions.

Oh noes Viper! Here comez Ultra!

You can also get some interesting angles on familiar events.

I swear to god if I have to see another jab shoryu FADC to Ultra again...
Here's what it looks like in Maya.

And of course, I have to end on some obligatory girl-on-girl action.

This is the way I would choose to go out.
= D
F-ing sweeeeet matt. good stuff.... lots of intresting things you can do with this. In terms of why they choose to flatten on the z-axis, my guess is that it makes hit detection MUCH easier... otherwise, there'd be no way to tell where a roundhouse kick actually connects.
Oh wow, that's actually really true, and now that I think of it, probably why other 3D games feel a little floaty on hit detection (cuz you have to worry about a depth field you can't always perceive with your eye).
wow....this would look good as papercraft...... can you send me a 3d model of street fighter characters, if its ok... i want to make them into papercrafts.... junne_04@yahoo.com
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